In today’s regulatory environment, the food industry meets demanding conditions requiring the expertise of qualified pest management companies. Pest contaminants such as rodents, birds, and insects jeopardize food safety, your reputation, and your brand.
Certech’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program ensures that your food processing facility is free from pest contaminants while meeting the requirements of third-party auditing agencies.
After an initial inspection, our certified technicians will conduct a risk-based analysis to determine a customized IPM program for your facility. Our assessment includes current pest activity, sanitation deficiencies, structural defects, improper storage practices, and a comprehensive strategy to eliminate and prevent pests.
Our extensive experience in food processing and exposure to third party auditors gives us a complete understanding of the complexities that exist within food processing to ensure that your facility is prepared for audit. Our certified technicians are extensively trained in IPM practices, certified by Purdue University’s IPM training program, and the National Pest Management Association’s Pest Management in Food Plants.
Certech offers barcoding, monthly data and quarterly trend analysis reporting giving you visibility to the conditions that exist within your facility on a consistent basis.
The Top 5 pests encountered in and around food processing facilities are:
• Stored Product Pests• Flying Insects
• Rodents (Rats & Mice)
• Crawling Insects (Cockroaches)
• Birds
Together in our partnership, we can mitigate pest activity by focusing on good sanitation practices by removing sources that attract pests such as food, water, and structural access. Many insects and rodents enter structures from the exterior through structural deficiencies. Thorough and complete inspections on every regular service visit ensure that these areas are revealed and communicated for correction. Mechanical Trapping Devices (MTDs) are used as a preventative control measure and as a monitoring device to intercept pests as they enter and utilized for information to prepare a corrective action plan.
Stored Product Pests (SPPs) are critical pests that infest and contaminate food products such as grains, cereals, spices and baked goods. The presence of SPPs within your operation could lead to poor audit scores and contaminate products increasing your expenses. According to our data, the five most encountered stored product pests in food plants are: Indian Meal Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Warehouse Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles and Red Flour Beetles.
Certech will customize a stored product prevention program utilizing the latest technological advances to ensure that the integrity of your products is protected which will minimize downtime and reduce your expenses.
Certech’s licensed, trained, experienced certified technicians strive to understand the needs of your facility while working closely with your staff to ensure that your facility is pest-free, and audit prepared.